Aleksei Fedorovich Bunkin

Aleksei Fedorovich Bunkin
Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: ul. Vavilova 38, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation
Phone: +7 (499) 503 87 34
Fax: +7 (499) 503 87 23


  1. S.V. Gudkov, R.M. Sarimov, M.E. Astashev et alModern physical methods and technologies in agriculturePhys. Usp. 67 194–210 (2024)
  2. A.F. Bunkin, S.M. Pershin “Once again, on the observation of molecular rotational spectra in condensed mediaPhys. Usp. 52 1283–1284 (2009)
  3. A.F. Bunkin, A.A. Nurmatov, S.M. Pershin “Coherent four-photon spectroscopy of low-frequency molecular librations in a liquidPhys. Usp. 49 855–861 (2006)
  4. A.F. Bunkin, A.A. Nurmatov, S.M. Pershin et alScientific session of the Physical Sciences Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences (29 March 2006)Phys. Usp. 49 855–861 (2006)
  5. A.F. Bunkin, N.I. Koroteev “Nonlinear laser spectroscopy of gases, gas flows, and lowtemperature plasmasSov. Phys. Usp. 24 394–411 (1981)

See also: S.M. Pershin, V.L. Ginzburg, N.I. Koroteev, A.A. Nurmatov, G.A. Askar’yan, P.A. Sdvizhenskii, R.M. Sarimov, V.G. Shavrov, V.D. Buchel’nikov, V.A. Simonenko, M.Kh. Ashurov, S.V. Gudkov, M.Ya. Grishin, D.A. Serov, Gusein-zade Namik Guseynaga ogly

PACS: 33.20.-t, 42.62.-b, 42.68.Wt, 52.77.-j, 78.35.+c, 87.64.K-, 01.10.FV, 42.65.-k, 87.50.Jk, 82.80.Di, 51.70.+f, 07.65.-b

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