Evolution of carbonaceous grains from the stage of AGB stars to planetary nebulae: observations, experiments, theory
M.S. Murgaa,b aInstitute of Astronomy, Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Pyatnitskaya 48, Moscow, 119017, Russian Federation bUral Federal University named after the First President of Russia B N Yeltsin, prosp. Mira 19, Ekaterinburg, 620002, Russian Federation
The paper presents a review of studies devoted to the evolution of carbonaceous grains at stages from the shells of asymptotic giant branch stars to planetary nebulae. The topic of the evolution of carbonaceous grains is covered from several sides: observational data are summarized; the mechanisms of formation of aromatic molecules and their clustering are considered; the conditions for the formation of dust in the shells of stars and the conditions under which dust evolves further in protoplanetary and planetary nebulae are described; the results of experiments on creating analogues of interstellar dust and an analysis of their characteristics are presented; and finally, possible evolutionary scenarios for carbon particles are presented. Particular attention is paid to fullerene molecules, since they play an important role in constructing a whole picture of evolution. Their presence and heterogeneous distribution indicate that, depending on conditions, dust formation can proceed along two branches: through planar and non-planar aromatic molecules.
Keywords: carbonaceous grains, dust evolution, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, fullerenes, interstellar medium, envelopes of AGB stars, planetary nebulae PACS:98.38.Jw, 97.10.Fy, 95.30.Wi, 82.33.Vx, 82.50.Hp (all) DOI:10.3367/UFNe.2023.12.039614 Citation: Murga M S "Evolution of carbonaceous grains from the stage of AGB stars to planetary nebulae: observations, experiments, theory" Phys. Usp., accepted
Received: 24th, October 2023, revised: 29th, November 2023, accepted: 9th, December 2023