





From the history of physics

Employees of the Institute of Metal Physics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the development of the Soviet Atomic Project

Mikheev Institute of Metal Physics, Ural Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences, S Kovalevskoi str. 18, Ekaterinburg, 620108, Russian Federation

The paper highlights the contribution of the employees of the Institute of Metal Physics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences to the first stage of the USSR Atomic Project. The main challenge of the project was the need to solve one of the most difficult problems that the developers of the USSR atomic shield faced — industrial separation of uranium isotopes. Thus, in 1943, I K Kikoin directed the first work on isotope separation using diffusion and centrifuge methods at the institute. I K Kikoin was appointed I V Kurchatov's deputy and was the main person responsible for the development of an industrial method for producing uranium-235 isotopes.

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Fulltext is also available at DOI: 10.3367/UFNe.2024.02.039648
Keywords: USSR Atomic Project, industrial separation of uranium isotopes, isotope separation by gaseous diffusion, isotope separation by centrifuge methods, uranium-235, Ural Physico-Technical Institute (UralFTI), counterflow centrifuges
PACS: 01.65.+g
DOI: 10.3367/UFNe.2024.02.039648
Citation: Gudin S A "Employees of the Institute of Metal Physics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the development of the Soviet Atomic Project" Phys. Usp. 67 717–744 (2024)
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Received: 16th, September 2023, revised: 14th, February 2024, 16th, February 2024

Оригинал: Гудин С А «Сотрудники Института физики металлов Уральского отделения Российской академии наук и становление Атомного проекта СССР» УФН 194 765–789 (2024); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.2024.02.039648

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  54. "No. 135. Doklad L.P. Beriya, B.L. Vannikova, A.P. Zavenyagina, I.V. Kurchatova, Yu.B. Kharitona i K.I. Shchelkina I.V. Stalinu o khode vypolneniya zadanii na 1951 god i o programme rabot po razvitiyu atomnoi promyshlennosti v 1951-1955 gg. 16 noyabrya 1951 g. (No. 135. Report by L P Beria, B L Vannikov, A P Zavenyag I V Kurchatov, Yu B Khariton, and K I Shchelkin to I V Stalin on the progress of fulfilling the tasks for 1951 and on the work program for the development of the nuclear industry in 1951-1955 as of November 16, 1951)" Atomnyi Proekt SSSR: Dokumenty I Materialy (Soviet Atomic Project: Documents And Materials) Vol. 2 Atomnaya Bomba. 1945-1954 (Atomic Bomb. 1945-1954) Book 7 (Gen. Ed. L D Ryabev, Exec. Comp. G A Goncharov) (Sarov: RFYaTs-VNIIEF, Moscow: Fizmatlit, 2007) p. 342; Electronic version on the website "History of Rosatom. Electronic Library",
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  63. History of Rosatom. Electronic Library. Personalia: Karpachev Sergei Vasilievich,
  64. "No. 137. Postanovlenie SM SSSR No. 4964-2148ss/op ’O nagrazhdenii i premirovanii za vydayushchiesya nauchnye raboty v oblasti ispol’zovaniya atomnoi energii, za sozdanie novykh vidov izdelii RDS, dostizheniya v oblasti proizvodstva plutoniya i urana-235 i razvitiya syr’evoi bazy dlya atomnoi promyshlennosti’. 6 dekabrya 1951 g. (No. 137. Resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers No. 4964-2148ss/op ’On awarding and rewarding outstanding scientific work in the field of atomic energy use, for the creation of new types of RDS products, achievements in the field of plutonium and uranium-235 production, and the development of a raw material base for the atomic industry’ as of December 6, 1951)" Atomnyi Proekt SSSRSSSR: Dokumenty I Materialy (Soviet Atomic Project: Documents And Materials) Vol. 2 Atomnaya Bomba. 1945-1954 (Atomic Bomb. 1945-1954) Book 7 (Gen. Ed. L D Ryabev, Exec. Comp. G A Goncharov) (Sarov: RFYaTs±VNIIEF, Moscow: Fizmatlit, 2007) p. 351; Electronic version on the website "History of Rosatom. Electronic Library",
  65. Emel’yanenkov A F Solo Na Tsentrifuge (Solo On A Centrifuge) (Moscow: ANO "Informatsionnyi Tsentr Atomnoi Otrasli", 2013); Electronic version on the website "History of Rosatom. Electronic library",
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  68. Gorelik G E "Vitalii Ginzburg: nauka i nrav nobelevskogo laureata. Po stranitsam Litgazety (Vitaly Ginzburg: science and character of the Nobel Laureate. On the pages of the Literary Newspaper)" Ginzburg V. Pis’ma K Lyubimoi (Letters To His Beloved) (Moscow: Vremya, 2016) p. 353, (afterword to the book);
  69. Vasil’ev A P "Sistema dal’nego obnaruzheniya yadernykh vzryvov i sovetskii atomnyi proekt (The system of early warning of nuclear explosions and the Soviet Atomic Project)" Istoriya Sovetskogo Atomnogo Proekta: Dokumenty, Vospominaniya, Iissledovaniya (History Of The Soviet Atomic Project: Documents, Memoirs, Research) Issue 2 (Exec. Ed. and Comp. V P Vizgin) (St. Petersburg: RKhGI, 2002) p. 237; Electronic version on the website "History of Rosatom. Electronic library",
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  78. Nasryeva M M "Fritz Fritzevich Lange" Fizika Metallov Na Urale. Istoriya Instituta Fiziki Metallov V Litsakh 2.0 (Physics Of Metals In The Urals. History Of The Institute Of Metal Physics In Persons 2.0, Comp. I Yu Arapova et al) (Ekaterinburg: Inst. Fiziki Metallov, 2023) p. 205
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