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Gamma quanta and neutrinos from space: what we can see now and what we need to see more (Scientific session of the Division of Physical Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences, April 21, 2023)

Ioffe Institute, ul. Polytekhnicheskaya 26, St. Petersburg, 194021, Russian Federation

April 21, 2023, in the Assembly Hall of the Ioffe Institute (PTI) of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) (26 Polytechnicheskaya Street, St. Petersburg), the Division of Physical Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences held a scientific session, "Gamma quanta and neutrinos from space: what we can see now and what we need to see more."
The following agenda of the meeting was announced on the website of the Department of Physical Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Review talks:

  1. Sunyaev R A (Space Research Institute (IKI), RAS, Moscow) "Main results of four complete surveys of the entire sky in X-rays with the eRosita telescope aboard the SPEKTR-RG satellite";
  2. Troitsky S V (Institute for Nuclear Research (INR), RAS, Moscow) "Origin of astrophysical high-energy neutrinos: results and prospects reviewed";
  3. Bykov A M (Ioffe Institute (PTI), RAS, St. Petersburg) "Sources of high-energy cosmic radiation: results and prospects";
  4. Lutovinov A A (IKI, RAS, Moscow) "Status and prospects of Russian orbital telescopes for high-energy astrophysics."
    Discussion I: "Problems of high-energy astrophysics." Participants: M R Gilfanov (IKI, RAS), V A Dogel (Lebedev Physical Institute, RAS (FIAN), Moscow), L M Zeleny (IKI, RAS), Yu Yu Kovalev (Astro-Space Center, FIAN), V V Kocharovsky (Institute of Applied Physics, RAS, Nizhny Novgorod), L A Kuzmichev (Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Moscow State University), K A Postnov (Sternberg State Astronomical Institute, Moscow State University), E M Churazov (IKI, RAS), and others.
    Discussion II: "Cosmic radiation detectors today and tomorrow" (moderators: R A Suris, A M Cherepashchuk, and K A Postnov).
  5. Levin V V (IKI, RAS, Moscow) "Detectors and integrated circuits of orbital telescopes";
  6. Eremin V K (Ioffe Institute, RAS, St. Petersburg). "Modern silicon detectors for high-energy astrophysics";
  7. Vlasyuk V V (Special Astronomical Observatory, RAS, Nizhny Arkhyz) "Modern solid-state receivers in astronomy: prospects for Russia";
  8. Afanasieva I V (Special Astronomical Observatory, RAS, Nizhny Arkhyz) "Creation of photodetector systems based on large-format CMOS receivers at the Special Astronomical Observatory, RAS";
  9. Lubsandorzhiev B K (INR, RAS, Moscow) "Detectors for neutrino telescopes."

Fulltext pdf (1.9 MB)
Fulltext is also available at DOI: 10.3367/UFNe.2023.04.039529
PACS: 01.10.−m, 01.10.Fv (all)
DOI: 10.3367/UFNe.2023.04.039529
Citation: Bykov A M, Suris R A "Gamma quanta and neutrinos from space: what we can see now and what we need to see more (Scientific session of the Division of Physical Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences, April 21, 2023)" Phys. Usp. 67 347–348 (2024)
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21st, April 2023

Оригинал: Быков А М, Сурис Р А «Гамма-кванты и нейтрино из космоса: что видим сейчас и что нужно, чтобы увидеть больше (Научная сессия Отделения физических наук Российской академии наук, 21 апреля 2023 г.)» УФН 194 369–370 (2024); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.2023.04.039529

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