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Kerr—Newman solution unites gravitation with quantum theory

Nuclear Safety Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Bolshaya Tulskaya 52, Moscow, 115191, Russian Federation

The model of the Kerr—Newman (KN) electron generated by the superrotating gravitational field of a black hole is modified to a radiating black—white hole that both absorbs and emits electromagnetic waves. Following quantum electrodynamics (QED), we consider the KN solution to be either a bare electron model or a dressed electron model, where the bare electron forms a classical massless relativistic string responsible for the wave properties of the electron as a quantum particle, while the dressed electron forms a heavy electron—positron vacuum core dressed by the KN gravitational field due to the formation of electron and positron Wilson loops. Within the framework of the Kerr—Schild formalism, a class of radiating KN solutions is considered, whereby the electromagnetic field is absorbed by the black hole and at the same time radiated away by its white side.

Typically, an English full text is available in about 1 month from the date of publication of the original article.

Keywords: semiclassical gravity, electron as a black hole, Wilson loops, radiating Kerr solution, QED, supersymmetry, Kerr—Newman electrons, classical relativistic strings, bare electrons, dressed electrons
PACS: 04.60.−m, 04.70.−s, 11.25.−w (all)
DOI: 10.3367/UFNe.2024.05.039684
Citation: Burinskii A Ya "Kerr—Newman solution unites gravitation with quantum theory" Phys. Usp. 67 (10) (2024)

Received: 5th, December 2023, revised: 23rd, April 2024, 22nd, May 2024

Оригинал: Буринский А Я «Решение Керра—Ньюмана объединяет гравитацию с квантовой теорией» УФН 194 1095–1107 (2024); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.2024.05.039684

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