





Reviews of topical problems

Thermodynamic properties of zirconium nitride in the condensed state

  a,   a, §  b, a
a Joint Institute for High Temperatures, Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Izhorskaya 13/19, Moscow, 127412, Russian Federation
b Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninsky prosp. 53, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation

The thermodynamic properties of zirconium nitride are presented, including the phase diagram of the Zr—N system, homogeneity region, temperature and composition corresponding to congruent melting of ZrNx, enthalpy of formation, as well as electronic structure and chemical bond in zirconium nitride. An equation is given approximating the temperature dependence of the heat capacity of crystalline ZrN in the temperature range of 298.15—3970 K. Temperature dependences of specific heat and electrical resistance of liquid zirconium nitride of the composition 0.9ZrN+0.1ZrO2 (up to 4500 K) measured by heating with a microsecond current pulse are presented. The main practical significance of these results is that ZrN serves as an inert matrix for mixed nitride fuel (U, Zr)N and (Pu, Zr)N for fast neutron reactors.

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Fulltext is also available at DOI: 10.3367/UFNe.2024.02.039654
Keywords: nuclear fuel matrices, zirconium nitride, phase diagrams, solid phases, melting, liquid state, enthalpy of formation, enthalpy, specific heat, electrical resistance, temperature measurement, pulsed current heating method
PACS: 05.70.−a, 64.70.D−, 65.40.−b (all)
DOI: 10.3367/UFNe.2024.02.039654
Citation: Aristova N M, Onufriev S V, Savvatimskiy A I "Thermodynamic properties of zirconium nitride in the condensed state" Phys. Usp. 67 1022–1033 (2024)
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Received: 4th, October 2023, revised: 28th, January 2024, 27th, February 2024

Оригинал: Аристова Н М, Онуфриев С В, Савватимский А И «Термодинамические свойства нитрида циркония в конденсированном состоянии» УФН 194 1082–1094 (2024); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.2024.02.039654

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