In November—December 2020 and in September 2021, the first two beam runs of the Booster Synchrotron — a new cyclic accelerator of the NICA (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility) complex — were performed at the Laboratory for High Energy Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. New technologies (previously not used in Russia) were developed for the Booster's construction based on new physical and technological solutions. We describe these technologies and solutions and also the methods used in constructing and testing the accelerator systems. We present the results of the first two runs.
Correspondence should be addressed to † and ‡ Keywords: ion synchrotron, superconducting magnets, ultrahigh vacuum, beam cooling PACS:25.75.−q, 29.20.db (all) DOI:10.3367/UFNe.2021.12.039138 URL: 001097218300005 2-s2.0-85182902094 2023PhyU...66..195B Citation: Butenko A V, Brovko O I, Galimov A R, Gorbachev E V, Kostromin S A, Karpinsky V N, Meshkov I N, Monchinskiy V A, Sidorin A O, Syresin E M, Trubnikov G V, Tuzikov A V, Philippov A V, Khodzhibagiyan G G "NICA Booster: a new-generation superconducting synchrotron" Phys. Usp.66 195–212 (2023)