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Light diffraction in a plane-parallel layered structure with the parameters of a Pendry lens

Kuban State Tekhnological University, Moskovskaya st. 2, Krasnodar, 350072, Russian Federation

The solution of Maxwell's equations for a plane electromagnetic wave and a Gaussian beam propagating in a Pendry lens has been obtained. The mathematical form of the solution explains details of image formation in such a structure. It is shown that not only the plane wave but also the Gaussian beam in this case is characterized by the absence of diffraction, so the Gaussian beam does not expand when propagated in a multilayer Pendry lens of any size.

Fulltext pdf (482 KB)
Fulltext is also available at DOI: 10.3367/UFNe.2021.07.039002
Keywords: Maxwell's equations, metal—dielectric piecewise homogeneous medium, Pendry lens, Gaussian beam diffraction
PACS: 03.50.De, 42.25.−p, 42.79.−e, 78.67.−n (all)
DOI: 10.3367/UFNe.2021.07.039002
Citation: Selina N V "Light diffraction in a plane-parallel layered structure with the parameters of a Pendry lens" Phys. Usp. 65 406–414 (2022)
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Received: 17th, October 2020, revised: 29th, June 2021, 1st, July 2021

Оригинал: Селина Н В «Дифракция света в плоскопараллельной слоистой структуре с параметрами линзы Пендри» УФН 192 443–452 (2022); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.2021.07.039002

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