





Cover Contents

Reviews of topical problems

M.Ya. Marov, I.I. Shevchenko “Exoplanets: nature and modelsPhys. Usp. 63 837–871 (2020)

Yu.V. Gulyaev, S.V. Tarasenko, V.G. Shavrov “Electromagnetic analogue of a first-type leaky surface elastic wave for the single interface between transparent dielectric mediaPhys. Usp. 63 872–887 (2020)

I.K. Gainullin “Resonant charge transfer during ion scattering on metallic surfacesPhys. Usp. 63 888–906 (2020)

V.V. Lider “Precise determination of crystal lattice parametersPhys. Usp. 63 907–928 (2020)

Methodological notes

K.Yu. Todyshev “Measuring the inclusive cross section of e+e annihilation into hadrons in the pre-asymptotic energy rangePhys. Usp. 63 929–939 (2020)


A.F. Andreev, V.M. Galitskii, B.I. Ivlev, I.V. Kolokolov, L.S. Levitov, V.P. Mineev, Yu.V. Nazarov, L.P. Pitaevskii, V.L. Pokrovskii, V.B. Timofeev, I.M. Khalatnikov, R.P. Shibaeva “Gerasim Matveevich Eliashberg (on his 90th birthday)Phys. Usp. 63 940–941 (2020)

Physics news on the internet

Yu.N. Eroshenko “Physics news on the Internet (based on electronic preprints)Phys. Usp. 63 942–943 (2020)

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