We present a brief review of the contemporary understanding of and topical problems in solar flare physics, which may be clarified by X-ray and gamma-ray astronomy methods. The review focuses on several issues, including the conditions and mechanisms of electron acceleration in solar flares, the flare energy distribution between thermal and nonthermal components, the gamma-ray emission from solar flares and its dynamics, and the spatial structure of X-ray and gamma-ray sources. Discussed in this context are the latest data obtained by the joint Russia—US experiment Konus-Wind, which marked the 25th anniversary of continuous operation in space in 2019.
Keywords: heliophysics, solar flares, X-ray and gamma-ray astronomy PACS:95.55.Ka, 96.60.−j, 96.60.qe (all) DOI:10.3367/UFNe.2019.06.038757 URL: https://ufn.ru/en/articles/2020/8/i/ 000583209000009 2-s2.0-85096288738 2020PhyU...63..818L Citation: Lysenko A L, Frederiks D D, Fleishman G D, Aptekar R L, Altyntsev A T, Golenetskii S V, Svinkin D S, Ulanov M V, Tsvetkova A E, Ridnaia A V "X-ray and gamma-ray emission from solar flares" Phys. Usp.63 818–832 (2020)