





Cover Contents

Reviews of topical problems

I.K. Razumov, A.Y. Yermakov, Yu.N. Gornostyrev, B.B. Straumal “Nonequilibrium phase transformations in alloys under severe plastic deformationPhys. Usp. 63 733–757 (2020)

Physics of our days

I.M. Dremin “Ultraperipheral nuclear interactionsPhys. Usp. 63 758–765 (2020)

N.L. Popov, I.A. Artyukov, A.V. Vinogradov, V.V. Protopopov “Wave packet in the phase problem in optics and ptychographyPhys. Usp. 63 766–774 (2020)

Methodological notes

E.A. Vinogradov “Optical phonons with a negative oscillator strengthPhys. Usp. 63 775–781 (2020)

Conferences and symposia

Earth embosomed by the Sun: heliophysics and space weather (Scientific session of the Physical Sciences Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 5 June 2019)Phys. Usp. 63 782–782 (2020)

S.A. Bogachev, A.S. Ulyanov, A.S. Kirichenko, I.P. Loboda, A.A. Reva “Microflares and nanoflares in the solar coronPhys. Usp. 63 783–800 (2020)

A.A. Petrukovich, H.V. Malova, V.Yu. Popov, E.V. Maiewski, V.V. Izmodenov, O.A. Katushkina, A.A. Vinogradov, M.O. Riazantseva, L.S. Rakhmanova, T.V. Podladchikova, G.N. Zastenker, Yu.I. Yermolaev, I.G. Lodkina, L.S. Chesalin “Modern view of the solar wind from micro to macro scalesPhys. Usp. 63 801–811 (2020)

V.D. Kuznetsov, A.I. Osin “Heliophysics: from observations to models and applicationsPhys. Usp. 63 812–817 (2020)

A.L. Lysenko, D.D. Frederiks, G.D. Fleishman, R.L. Aptekar, A.T. Altyntsev, S.V. Golenetskii, D.S. Svinkin, M.V. Ulanov, A.E. Tsvetkova, A.V. Ridnaia “X-ray and gamma-ray emission from solar flaresPhys. Usp. 63 818–832 (2020)


Yu.Yu. Balega, D.V. Bisikalo, L.M. Zelenyi, M.Ya. Marov, A.A. Petrukovich, K.A. Postnov, V.A. Rubakov, N.A. Sakhibullin, A.A. Starobinskii, R.A. Sunyaev, E.M. Churazov, B.M. Shustov “Anatolii Mikhailovich Cherepashchuk (on his 80th birthday)Phys. Usp. 63 833–834 (2020)

Physics news on the internet

Yu.N. Eroshenko “Physics news on the Internet (based on electronic preprints)Phys. Usp. 63 835–836 (2020)

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