Microwave stimulation of dislocations and the magnetic control of the earthquake coreSemenov Federal Research Center for Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Kosygina, 4, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation Microwave irradiation transforms elasticity of solids into plasticity by controlling the dislocation mobility via magnetic interactions in the electron spin pairs on the dislocations. In ionic crystals microwaves cause dislocations to accelerate and increase their mean free path, thus leading to a release of elastic energy; in covalent crystals, microwaves keep dislocations in place, thereby accumulating elastic energy and increasing the crystal strength. Microwave pumping at resonant Zeeman frequencies (in the magnetic resonance regime) is a firm evidence for the physics of electron spin pairs and for the magneto-plasticity phenomenon itself. However, the dominant contribution to the macroscopic transformation of elastic energy into plastic flow comes from nonresonant microwaves. It is these that can be used to control the mechanics of diamagnetic solids including, importantly, the earthquake core. The observed correlation between magnetic events (such as magnetic storms and hydrodynamically generated high power magnetic pulses) and their seismic and tectonic consequences (earthquake frequency and magnitude and deformations) indicates unambiguously that controlling the earthquake core magnetically provides a realistic means for preventing a catastrophe by transforming large magnitude earthquakes into weak, low magnitude events.