Adaptive multicomponent nanocomposite coatings in surface engineering
A.D. Pogrebnjaka,
A.A. Bagdasaryana,
A. Pshyka,b,
K. Dyadyuraa aSumy State University, ul. Rimskogo-Korsakova 2, Sumy, 244007, Ukraine bNanoBioMedical Centre, Adam Mickiewicz University, ul. Umultowska 85, Poznan, 61614, Poland
This paper reviews experimental research on nanocomposite coatings of different chemical composition. For adaptive multi-element and multi-layer systems with specific phase composition, structure, substructure, stress state and high functional properties, formation conditions are reviewed; the behavior under extreme conditions and in tribological applications is examined; the structural, phase, and chemical composition, and the hardness, friction and wear at elevated temperatures are discussed; and the adhesive strength of hierarchical protective coatings is analyzed. Finally, the adaptive behavior at different tribological test conditions of multifunctional, multi-layer coatings as a function of their properties and structure is examined.
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