






A review of an anniversary book on the theory of the Berezinskii—Kosterlitz—Thouless transition — a book which proved to be a precursor of the 2016 Nobel Prize in physics

Institute for High Pressure Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Kaluzhskoe shosse 14, Troitsk, Moscow, 108840, Russian Federation

A review of a book. 40 years of Berezinskii—Kosterlitz—Thouless theory (Ed. J.V. José) (Singapore: World Scientific Publ., 2013) 351 p. ISBN: 978-981-4417-62-4.

Fulltext pdf (607 KB)
Fulltext is also available at DOI: 10.3367/UFNe.2016.12.038024
PACS: 01.30.Ee, 01.30.Vv, 01.65.+g (all)
DOI: 10.3367/UFNe.2016.12.038024
Citation: Ryzhov V N "A review of an anniversary book on the theory of the Berezinskii—Kosterlitz—Thouless transition — a book which proved to be a precursor of the 2016 Nobel Prize in physics" Phys. Usp. 60 114–118 (2017)
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Received: 21st, December 2016, 26th, December 2016

Оригинал: Рыжов В Н «О книге к юбилею создания теории перехода Березинского—Костерлица—Таулеса — предтече Нобелевской премии по физике 2016 года» УФН 187 125–128 (2017); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.2016.12.038024

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