





Conferences and symposia

The 100th anniversary of the birth of N E Alekseevskii (Scientific session of the Physical Sciences Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 23 May 2012)

The scientific session of the Physical Sciences Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) commemorating the 100th anniversary of the birth of RAS Corresponding Member N E Alekseevskii took place on 23 May 2012 at the conference hall of the Lebedev Physical Institute, RAS.
The following reports were put on the session agenda as posted on the website of the RAS Physical Sciences Division:

  1. Kopaev Yu V (Lebedev Physical Institute, RAS, Moscow) “About N E Alekseevskii”;
  2. Brandt N B (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow) “My teacher Nikolai Evgen’evich Alekseevskii”;
  3. Peschansky V G (B I Verkin Physical-Technical Institute of Low Temperatures of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkov, Ukraine) “Galvanomagnetic effects in layered conductors”;
  4. Krasnoperov E P (The National Research Center ’Kurchatov Institute’, Moscow) “First steps of technical superconductivity in the USSR”;
  5. Nizhankovsky V I (International Laboratory of High Magnetic Fields and Low Temperatures, Wroclaw, Poland), Tsebro V I (Lebedev Physical Institute, RAS, Moscow) “History of creation and growth of the International Laboratory of High Magnetic Fields and Low Temperatures”.
Papers written on the basis of oral presentations 2–5 are printed below.

Fulltext pdf (6 MB)
Fulltext is also available at DOI: 10.3367/UFNe.0183.201302g.0207
PACS: 01.10.Fv, 01.60.+q, 01.65.+g, 07.55.Db, 71.18.+y, 72.20.My, 74.25.−q, 84.71.Ba (all)
DOI: 10.3367/UFNe.0183.201302g.0207
Citation: "The 100th anniversary of the birth of N E Alekseevskii (Scientific session of the Physical Sciences Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 23 May 2012)" Phys. Usp. 56 192–210 (2013)
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23rd, May 2012

Оригинал: «К 100-летию со дня рождения Н.Е. Алексеевского (Научная сессия Отделения физических наук Российской академии наук, 23 мая 2012 г.)» УФН 183 207–224 (2013); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0183.201302g.0207

N.E. Alekseevskii is author of Physics-Uspekhi

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