





From the history of physics

The role of B.B. Kadomtsev’s ideas in shaping the current understanding of turbulent transport

Institute of Tokamak Physics, National Research Centre ‘Kurchatov Institute’, pl. akad. Kurchatova 1, Moscow, 123182, Russian Federation

B.B. Kadomtsev’s turbulence diffusion models are reviewed. Some of the current approaches to describing ’long range correlation’ effects are presented that are directly based on B.B. Kadomtsev’s ideas (diffusion renormalization of quasilinear equations, the percolation approach to strong turbulence, stochastic instability and the transverse diffusion of plasma particles as factors affecting transport in a ’braided’ magnetic field). It is shown that B.B. Kadomtsev’s analytical methods have a large heuristic power and will undoubtedly influence the further development of turbulent transport theory.

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PACS: 05.40.−a, 47.27.−i, 47.53.+n (all)
DOI: 10.3367/UFNe.0183.201311f.1237
Citation: Bakunin O G "The role of B.B. Kadomtsev's ideas in shaping the current understanding of turbulent transport" Phys. Usp. 56 1132–1149 (2013)
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Received: 15th, September 2013, revised: 14th, October 2013, 19th, September 2013

Îðèãèíàë: Áàêóíèí Î Ã «Âëèÿíèå èäåé Á.Á. Êàäîìöåâà íà ñîâðåìåííûå ïðåäñòàâëåíèÿ î òóðáóëåíòíîì ïåðåíîñå» ÓÔÍ 183 1237–1254 (2013); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0183.201311f.1237

B.B. Kadomtsev is author of Physics-Uspekhi

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