





Instruments and methods of investigation

Ice satellites of planets of the Solar System and the on-orbit radio detection of ultrahigh-energy particles

, , ,
Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninsky prosp. 53, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation

The problem of detecting nature’s most energetic particles — cosmic rays and neutrinos — is reviewed. Prospects for using orbital radio detectors for these highest-energy particles are examined. Apertures are calculated for space experiments using the Moon and similar-sized ice satellites of planets of the Solar System as targets for the interaction of cosmic-ray particles and neutrinos. A comparative analysis shows that using the Moon as a target is the most promising scenario.

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PACS: 95.55.Vj, 95.85.Ry, 96.50.S− (all)
DOI: 10.3367/UFNe.0180.201009c.0957
Citation: Gusev G A, Lomonosov B N, Ryabov V A, Chechin V A "Ice satellites of planets of the Solar System and the on-orbit radio detection of ultrahigh-energy particles" Phys. Usp. 53 915–921 (2010)
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Оригинал: Гусев Г А, Ломоносов Б Н, Рябов В А, Чечин В А «Ледяные спутники планет Солнечной системы и орбитальные радиодетекторы для регистрации частиц ультравысоких энергий» УФН 180 957–964 (2010); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0180.201009c.0957

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