





P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute — 75 years

The Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory of the P N Lebedev Physical Institute Astro Space Center: yesterday, today, and tomorrow

Astro Space Centre, Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Profsoyuznaya 84/32, Moscow, 117997, Russian Federation

The development of Russian (formerly Soviet) radio astronomy is indissolubly linked with the P N Lebedev Physical Institute (LPI), Russian Academy of Sciences. From the late 1940s, the institute conducted most of its radio astronomy research in the Crimea, at stations or on field trips; in the late 1950s, the center of gravity of research moved to the southern Moscow region, where one of the largest radio astronomy observatories in the country and in the world was developed within less than twenty years. The observatory unique instrumentation system is briefly reviewed in a historical perspective. Key research areas and some major achievements are outlined, and the prospects of the observatory as (currently) part of the LPI Astro Space Center are examined.

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Fulltext is also available at DOI: 10.3367/UFNe.0179.200911i.1225
PACS: 01.30.Bb, 01.65.+g, 07.57.−c, 95.55.Jz (all)
DOI: 10.3367/UFNe.0179.200911i.1225
Citation: Dagkesamanskii R D "The Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory of the P N Lebedev Physical Institute Astro Space Center: yesterday, today, and tomorrow" Phys. Usp. 52 1159–1167 (2009)
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Оригинал: Дагкесаманский Р Д «Пущинская радиоастрономическая обсерватория Астрокосмического центра ФИАН: вчера, сегодня и завтра» УФН 179 1225–1235 (2009); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0179.200911i.1225

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