





Conferences and symposia

Modeling nonlinear oscillatory systems and diagnostics of coupling between them using chaotic time series analysis: applications in neurophysiology

 a,  b,  b,  b,  c
a Department of Nano- and Biomedical Technologies, N.G. Chernyshevskii Saratov State University, ul. Astrakhanskaya 83, Saratov, 410026, Russian Federation
b Kotel'nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Saratov Branch, ul. Zelenaya 38, Saratov, 410019, Russian Federation
c Institute of Neurosciences and Biophysics - Medicine (INB-3), Research Center Juelich, Juelich, Germany

A scientific session of the Physical Sciences Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) was held under the title “Methods of wave-based physics in neuroscience problems and applications” on October 31, 2007 in the conference hall of the P N Lebedev Physical Institute, RAS. The following reports were presented at the session:
(1) Nekorkin V I (Institute of Applied Physics, RAS, Nizhny Novgorod) “Nonlinear oscillations and waves in neurodynamics”;
(2) Bezruchko B P (Department of Nano- and Biomedical Technologies, Saratov State University, Saratov), Ponomarenko V I, Prokhorov M D, Smirnov D A (Saratov Branch of the Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics, RAS, Saratov), Tass P A (Jülich Research Center, Institute of Neuroscience and Biophysics 3-Medicine, Jülich, Germany) “Modeling nonlinear oscillatory systems and diagnostics of coupling between them using chaotic time series analysis: applications in neurophysiology”.
An abridge version of the reports is given below.

Fulltext pdf (235 KB)
Fulltext is also available at DOI: 10.1070/PU2008v051n03ABEH006494
PACS: 05.45.−a, 87.10.+e, 87.19.La (all)
DOI: 10.1070/PU2008v051n03ABEH006494
Citation: Bezruchko B P, Ponomarenko V I, Prokhorov M D, Smirnov D A, Tass P A "Modeling nonlinear oscillatory systems and diagnostics of coupling between them using chaotic time series analysis: applications in neurophysiology" Phys. Usp. 51 304–310 (2008)
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Оригинал: Безручко Б П, Пономаренко В И, Прохоров М Д, Смирнов Д А, Тасс П А «Моделирование и диагностика взаимодействия нелинейных колебательных систем по хаотическим временным рядам (приложения в нейрофизиологии)» УФН 178 323–329 (2008); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0178.200803h.0323

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