Metastable phases, phase transformations, and phase diagrams in physics and chemistryInstitute for High Pressure Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Kaluzhskoe shosse 14, Troitsk, Moscow, 108840, Russian Federation Concepts of a ’phase’ and a ’phase transition’ are
discussed for stable and metastable states of matter. While
condensed matter physics primarily considers equilibrium
states and treats metastable phases as exceptions, organic
chemistry overwhelmingly deals with metastable states. It is
emphasized that many simple light-element compounds — including most hydrocarbons; nitrogen oxides, hydrides, and
carbides; carbon monoxide CO; alcohols and glycerin — are
also metastable at normal pressure in the sense that they do not
correspond to a minimum Gibbs free energy for a given chemical
composition. At moderate temperatures and pressures, the
phase transformations for these metastable phases are reversible with the fulfilment of all laws of equilibrium thermodynamics over the entire range of experimentally accessible
times. At sufficiently high pressures (>