





Neutrinos from stellar core collapses: present status of experiments

Institute for Nuclear Research, Russian Academy of Sciences, prosp. 60-letiya Oktyabrya 7a, Moscow, 117312, Russian Federation

The responses of the existing underground detectors to neutrino bursts from collapsing stars evolving in accordance with various models are considered. The interpretation of the results of detecting neutrino radiation from the SN1987A supernova explosion is discussed. A combination of large scintillation counters interlayered with iron slabs (as a target for the electron neutrino interaction) is suggested as a detector for core collapse neutrinos. Bounds for the galactic rate of core collapses based on 28 years of observations by neutrino telescopes of RAS INR, LSD, and LVD detectors are presented.

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Fulltext is also available at DOI: 10.1070/PU2006v049n10ABEH006124
PACS: 95.55.Vj, 95.85.Ry, 97.60.−s (all)
DOI: 10.1070/PU2006v049n10ABEH006124
Citation: Ryazhskaya O G "Neutrinos from stellar core collapses: present status of experiments" Phys. Usp. 49 1017–1027 (2006)
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Оригинал: Ряжская О Г «Нейтрино от гравитационных коллапсов звезд: современный статус эксперимента» УФН 176 1039–1050 (2006); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0176.200610b.1039

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