






In memory of Eduard Leonovich Nagaev

 a, ,  b,  c,  d, ,  e,  f,  g,  h, ,  d
a P.L. Kapitza Institute for Physical Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Kosygina 2, Moscow, 117334, Russian Federation
b Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Physics, Leninskie Gory 1 build. 2, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation
c Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninsky prosp. 53, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation
d Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Mokhovaya 11, kor. 7, Moscow, 125009, Russian Federation
e Mikheev Institute of Metal Physics, Ural Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences, S Kovalevskoi str. 18, Ekaterinburg, 620108, Russian Federation
f Institute of Physics, Dagestan Scientific Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. M. Yaragskogo 94, Makhachkala, 367003, Russian Federation
g Institute for Theoretical and Applied Electrodynamics, Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Izhorskaya 13/19, Moscow, 127412, Russian Federation
h Kirensky Institute of Physics, Federal Research Center Krasnoyarsk Science Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academgorodok 50, str. 38, Krasnoyarsk, 660036, Russian Federation
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Fulltext is also available at DOI: 10.1070/PU2002v045n05ABEH001212
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DOI: 10.1070/PU2002v045n05ABEH001212
Citation: Andreev A F, Bar’yakhtar V G, Vedyaev A V, Ginzburg V L, Gulyaev Yu V, Zil’bervarg V E, Izyumov Yu A, Kamilov I K, Kugel’ K I, Ovchinnikov S G, Khomskii D I, Shavrov V G "In memory of Eduard Leonovich Nagaev" Phys. Usp. 45 565–566 (2002)
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Оригинал: Андреев А Ф, Барьяхтар В Г, Ведяев А В, Гинзбург В Л, Гуляев Ю В, Зильберварг В Е, Изюмов Ю А, Камилов И К, Кугель К И, Овчинников С Г, Хомский Д И, Шавров В Г «Памяти Эдуарда Леоновича Нагаева» УФН 172 615–616 (2002); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0172.200205g.0615

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