





Conferences and symposia

Scientific session of the Division of General Physics and Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences (December 25, 1996)

 a,  b, c,  d,  e,  f
a D.I. Mendeleev Russian University of Chemical Technology, pl. Miusskaya 9, Moscow, 125047, Russian Federation
b Frank Neutron Physics Laboratory, Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow Region, Russian Federation
c National Research Centre ‘Kurchatov Institute’, pl. akad. Kurchatova 1, Moscow, 123182, Russian Federation
d Mikheev Institute of Metal Physics, Ural Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences, S Kovalevskoi str. 18, Ekaterinburg, 620108, Russian Federation
e Institute of Applied Chemical Physics, Russian Research Centre ‘Kurchatov Institute’, pl. Kurchatova 1, Moscow, 123182, Russian Federation
f B.P. Konstantinov St. Petersburg Institute of Nuclear Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Gatchina, Leningrad Region, Rusian Federation

(1) Ozerov R P (D I Mendeleev University of Chemistry and Technology, Moscow) ’’Neutronography: history and trends of further progress’’; (2) Aksenov V L (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna) ’’Current methods of structural neutronography’’; (3) Izyumov Yu A (Institute of Metal Physics, Ekaterinburg) ’’Physical basis of magnetic neutronography’’; (4) Rumyantsev A Yu (Russian Research Center ’Kurchatov Institute’, Moscow) ’’Neutron studies in the RRC ’Kurchatov Institute’’; (5) Maleev S V (St. Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina) ’’Neutron scattering and investigations in solid state physics in the St. Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute’’.

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Fulltext is also available at DOI: 10.1070/PU1997v040n05ABEH000238
PACS: 01.10.Fv
DOI: 10.1070/PU1997v040n05ABEH000238
Citation: Ozerov R P, Aksenov V L, Izyumov Yu A, Rumyantsev A Yu, Maleev S V "Scientific session of the Division of General Physics and Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences (December 25, 1996)" Phys. Usp. 40 517–517 (1997)
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Оригинал: Озеров Р П, Аксенов В Л, Изюмов Ю А, Румянцев А Ю, Малеев С В «Научная сессия Отделения общей физики и астрономии Российской академии наук (25 декабря 1996 г.)» УФН 167 541–551 (1997); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0167.199705e.0541

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