PACS:64.60.−i, 64.60.Kw, 64.75.+g (all) DOI:10.1070/PU1996v039n06ABEH001516 URL: A1996UZ88800009 Citation: Kovalenko K V, Krivokhizha S V, Fabelinskii I L, Chaikov L L "Some features of phase transitions in solutions with two critical points" Phys. Usp.39 635–637 (1996)
PT Journal Article
TI Some features of phase transitions in solutions with two critical points
AU Kovalenko K V
FAU Kovalenko KV
AU Krivokhizha S V
FAU Krivokhizha SV
AU Fabelinskii I L
FAU Fabelinskii IL
AU Chaikov L L
FAU Chaikov LL
DP 10 Jun, 1996
TA Phys. Usp.
VI 39
IP 6
PG 635-637
RX 10.1070/PU1996v039n06ABEH001516
SO Phys. Usp. 1996 Jun 10;39(6):635-637