





Reviews of topical problems

Interatomic potentials of interactions in radiation physics

Kabardino-Balkarian State University, ul. Chernyshevskogo 173, Nalchik, 360004, Russian Federation

Current theoretical methods of calculating the pair, interatomic and averaged, potentials of ion interaction with the atoms of solids are discussed. Along with the traditional static approximations, nonstationary and quasistationary models are considered. In the other case, modification of the electron gas approximation taking account of the relative velocity of atoms υ1 is investigated. Furthermore, the effect of ion ionisation and dynamic screening of potentials by the electron gas is taken into account. Theoretical models are compared with each other and with the experimental data. The energy losses and the ion ranges in solids, angular distributions due to multiple scattering, bremsstrahlung losses of heavy ions in the process of a planar channeling, channeling radiation lines of the relativistic electrons and positrons, and other effects are considered.

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DOI: 10.1070/PU1995v038n08ABEH000100
Citation: Dedkov G V "Interatomic potentials of interactions in radiation physics" Phys. Usp. 38 877–910 (1995)
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Оригинал: Дедков Г В «Межатомные потенциалы взаимодействия в радиационной физике» УФН 165 919–953 (1995); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0165.199508c.0919

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