G.V. Dedkov

G.V. Dedkov
Kabardino-Balkarian State University
Address: ul. Chernyshevskogo 173, Nalchik, 360004, Russian Federation
Fax: 7 (866) 225 4475


  1. G.V. Dedkov, A.A. Kyasov “Fluctuation-electromagnetic interaction under dynamic and thermal nonequilibrium conditionsPhys. Usp. 60 559–585 (2017)
  2. G.V. Dedkov “Nanotribology: experimental facts and theoretical modelsPhys. Usp. 43 541–572 (2000)
  3. G.V. Dedkov “Interatomic potentials of interactions in radiation physicsPhys. Usp. 38 877–910 (1995)

See also: A.A. Kyasov

PACS: 41.20.-q, 42.50.Wk, 44.40.+a, 61.16.Ch, 62.20.Qp, 68.35.Gy, 73.20.-r, 81.40.Pq, 34.20.-b

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