





Reviews of topical problems

On the microscopic theory of superfluid liquids

This review presents a microscopic construction of the thermodynamics and hydrodynamics of superfluid bosons and fermions with singlet pairing, based on the concept of quasiaverages and the hypothesis of reduced description. Here we do not assume that the Hamiltonian possesses any dynamical symmetry. This has permitted obtaining results pertaining to both Galilean-invariant and relativistic systems. Account is taken of dissipative processes. The kinetic coefficients are presented in terms of the correlation functions of the flux operators. The approach is extended to solutions of quantum liquids. The influence of an external ac field on superfluid systems is studied, and the low-frequency asymptotic behavior of the Green's function is found in the hydrodynamic approximation. The symmetry properties of the equilibrium state are formulated, and the thermodynamics is constructed for superfluid Fermi systems with triplet pairing (the superfluid phases $^3$He-B and $^3$He-A). For the latter the flux densities of the additive integrals of motion are found in a state of equilibrium and the equations of ``ideal'' hydrodynamics are derived.

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PACS: 67.57.Bc, 67.57.De, 67.40.Hf, 67.40.Kh (all)
DOI: 10.1070/PU1989v032n12ABEH002782
Citation: Bogolyubov N N (Jr.), Kovalevskii M Yu, Kurbatov A M, Peletminskii S V, Tarasov A N "On the microscopic theory of superfluid liquids" Sov. Phys. Usp. 32 1041–1059 (1989)
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Оригинал: Боголюбов Н Н (мл.), Ковалевский М Ю, Курбатов А М, Пелетминский С В, Тарасов А Н «К микроскопической теории сверхтекучих жидкостей» УФН 159 585–620 (1989); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0159.198912a.0585

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