





Reviews of topical problems

Open-ended traps

The open-ended trap is one of the installations used for the magnetic confinement of thermonuclear plasma. Open-ended traps have a number of important advantages as compared with other confinement systems: they are attractive from the engineering point of view, their magnetic field is efficiently used to confine the plasma, they can be operated under steady-state conditions, and there is no particular problem with removing thermonuclear reaction products and heavy impurities from the plasma. At the same time, it has long been considered that the open-ended trap has a doubtful future as a basis for a thermonuclear reactor because of the relatively high rate of loss of plasma along the magnetic lines of force. The situation has changed for the better during the last decade, and a number of improved traps, that are largely free from this defect, has been proposed. This review examines the physical principles of open-ended traps (ambipolar, centrifugal, multimirror, gas-dynamic, and so on), the present state of research into these systems, and their future prospects. The use of open-ended traps as high-flux generators of 14-MeV neutrons is also discussed.

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DOI: 10.1070/PU1988v031n04ABEH005747
Citation: Ryutov D D "Open-ended traps" Sov. Phys. Usp. 31 300–327 (1988)
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Оригинал: Рютов Д Д «Открытые ловушки» УФН 154 565–614 (1988); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0154.198804b.0565

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  65. I. A. Kotel’nikov Ibid. 12 63 (1986); I. A. Kotel’nikov Ibid 12 34 (1986)
  66. D. D. Ryutov Ibid. 13 1286 (1987); D. D. Ryutov Ibid 13 741 (1987)
  67. O. A. Lavrent’ev Magnetic Traps 3 ([in Russian], Naukova Dumka, Kiev) 77 (1968)
  68. V. V. Piterskii, V. P. Pastukhov, and E. E. Yushmanov Fiz. Plasmy 13 51 (1987); V. V. Piterskii, V. P. Pastukhov, and E. E. Yushmanov Sov. J. Plasma Phys. 13 29 (1987)
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  71. M. Haines Nucl. Fusion 17 811 (1977)
  72. G. F. Abdrashitov, A. A. Berkhtenev, V. V. Kubarev, V. E. Pal’chikov, V. I. Volosov, and Yu. N. Yudin see Ref. 63 p. page 335
  73. V. M. Panasyuk and F. A. Tsel’nik Fiz. Plasmy 1 552 (1975); V. M. Panasyuk and F. A. Tsel’nik, [sic]
  74. B. Lehnert Phys. Scripta 13 317 (1976)
  75. V. N. Bocharov, N. A. Zavadski&ibreve;, A. V. Kiselev, S. G. Konstantinov, A. V. Kudryavtsev, O. K. Myskin, V. M. Panasyuk, and F. A. Tel’kin Pis’ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 41 494 (1985); V. N. Bocharov, N. A. Zavadski&ibreve;, A. V. Kiselev, S. G. Konstantinov, A. V. Kudryavtsev, O. K. Myskin, V. M. Panasyuk, and F. A. Tel’kin JETP Lett. 41 601 (1985)
  76. A. I. Morosov see Ref. 4, Vol. 2 p. 3
  77. V. V. Mirnov and D. D. Ryutov Preprint IYaF SO AN SSSR 69–71 (Novosibirsk, 1971); V. V. Mirnov and D. D. Ryutov Nucl. Fusion 12 627 (1972)
  78. R. F. Post Phys. Rev. Lett. 18 232 (1967)
  79. J. L. Tuck see Ref. 4 Vol. 2 p. page 595
  80. G. I. Budker, V. V. Danilov, E. P. Kruglyakov, D. D. Ryutov, and E. V. Shun’ko Pis’ma Zh. Tekh. Fiz. 6 117 (1980); G. I. Budker, V. V. Danilov, E. P. Kruglyakov, D. D. Ryutov, and E. V. Shun’ko Sov. Tech. Phys. Lett. 6 52 (1980); G. I. Budker, V. V. Danilov, E. P. Kruglyakov, D. D. Ryutov, and E. V. Shun’ko Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 65 562 (1973); G. I. Budker, V. V. Danilov, E. P. Kruglyakov, D. D. Ryutov, and E. V. Shun’ko Sov. Phys. JETP 38 276 (1973)
  81. E. P. Kruglyakov Abstract of Doctoral Dissertation ([in Russian], IYaF SO AN SSSR, Novosibirsk, 1975)
  82. B. G. Logan, I. G. Brown, A. J. Lichtenberg, and M. A. Lieberman Phys. Rev. Lett. 29 1435 (1972); B. G. Logan, I. G. Brown, A. J. Lichtenberg, and M. A. Lieberman Phys. Fluids 17 1302 (1974)
  83. H. D. Price, A. J. Lichtenberg, M. A. Lieberman, and M. Tuszewski Nucl. Fusion 23 1043 (1983)
  84. F. Najambadi, A. J. Lichtenberg, and M. A. Lieberman Nucl. Fusion 23 609 (1983)
  85. B. A. Knyazev and P. Z. Chebotaev Ibid. 24 555 (1984)
  86. A. V. Arzhannikov, B. N. Breizman, A. V. Burdakov, V. S. Burmasov et al see Ref. 60 p. 347
  87. B. A. Knyazev, V. V. Mirnov, and P. Z. Chebotaev Problems In Atomic Science And Technology. Ser. Thermonuclear Fusion 3 ([in Russian], TsNIIatominform, Moscow) 12 (1983)
  88. V. V. Mirnov and D. D. Ryutov Pis’ma Zh. Tekh. Fiz. 5 678 (1979); V. V. Mirnov and D. D. Ryutov Sov. Tech. Phys. Lett. 5 279 (1979)
  89. P. A. Bagryanskij, A. A. Ivanov, V. V. Klesov, Yu. L. Koz’minykh, A. Kotel’nikov, Yu. I. Krasnikov, A. A. Podyminogin, A. I. Rogozin, G. V. Poslyakov, and D. D. Ryutov See Ref. 58 3 467
  90. K. L. Lam, B. J. Leikind, A. Y. Wong, G. Dimonte, A. Kuthi, I. Olson, and H. Zwi Phys. Fluids 29 3433 (1986)
  91. V. V. Mirnov and D. D. Ryutov See Ref. 87 1 57 (1980)
  92. A. I. Kotel’nikov, V. V. Mirnov, V. P. Nagornyj, and D. D. Ryutov see Ref. 60 p. page 309
  93. International Tokamak Reactor: Executive Summary by INTOR Group Nucl. Fusion 25 1791 (1985)
  94. TASKA A Tandem Mirror Fusion Engineering Test Facility: KFK- Reports 3311/2 And UNWFDM-500 1 2 (1982)
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  96. V. V. Mirnov, V. P. Nagornyi, and D. D. Ryutov Preprint IYaF SO AN SSSR No. 84–40 (Novosibirsk, 1984)
  97. T. Kawabe, S. Hiroyama, Y. Kozaki, K. Yoshikawa et al Fusion Techn. 2 1 (1986)

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