





Reviews of topical problems

The spin echo in systems with a coupled electron-nuclear precession

,  a,  b, ,  c,
a Institut Néel, Grenoble, France
b Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Fizicheskaya 5, Troitsk, Moscow, 108840, Russian Federation
c Ioffe Institute, ul. Polytekhnicheskaya 26, St. Petersburg, 194021, Russian Federation

I. Introduction 235
II. Theoretical concepts 237
1. Basic aspects of NMR in magnetic crystals. 2. Dynamics of nuclear magnetization with a dynamic frequency shift in a transverse rf field. 3. Induction and echo. 4. Frequency-modulated echo.
III. Experimental research 244
5. Measurement methods. 6. Magnetically ordered crystals which have been studied. 7. Free-induction signal. 8. Spin-echo signals. 9. Spin systems with a small dynamic NMR frequency shift. 10. Dynamic NMR frequency shift of nuclei in domain walls.
IV. Conclusion 253
References 254

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Fulltext is also available at DOI: 10.1070/PU1984v027n04ABEH004041
PACS: 76.60.Lz, 75.60.Ch, 75.60.Ej, 75.50.Ee, 76.50.+g (all)
DOI: 10.1070/PU1984v027n04ABEH004041
Citation: Borovik-Romanov A S, Bunkov Yu M, Dumesh B S, Kurkin M I, Petrov M P, Chekmarev V P "The spin echo in systems with a coupled electron-nuclear precession" Sov. Phys. Usp. 27 235–255 (1984)
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Оригинал: Боровик-Романов А С, Буньков Ю М, Думеш Б С, Куркин М И, Петров М П, Чекмарев В П «Спиновое эхо в системах со связанной ядерно-электронной прецессией» УФН 142 537–570 (1984); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0142.198404a.0537

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