





Reviews of topical problems

Baryon-antibaryon nuclei

The present state of the problem of quasinuclear systems containing antibaryons ($B\bar B$ and $2N2\bar N$ mesons and $2N\bar N$ baryons) is reviewed. A discussion is presented of the experimental data (the resonances which are strongly coupled with the $N\bar N$ channel, with masses of about 2 GeV) and of the central theoretical questions (the energy spectra and properties of the quasinuclear systems, the annihilation widths and shifts of the quasinuclear levels, the $p\bar p$ atom, and radiative transitions from atomic states to quasinuclear states).

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PACS: 14.20.Gk, 21.40.+d, 36.10.−k (all)
DOI: 10.1070/PU1978v021n08ABEH005672
Citation: Shapiro I S "Baryon-antibaryon nuclei" Sov. Phys. Usp. 21 645–673 (1978)
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Оригинал: Шапиро И С «Ядра из барионов и антибарионов» УФН 125 577–630 (1978); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0125.197808a.0577

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