





Reviews of topical problems

Rare-earth magnetically hard materials

CONTENTS[br] 1. Introduction 909[br] 2. Domain Structure and Magnetic Hysteresis. General Concepts . . . . . 910[br] 3. Materials for Permanent Magnets 912[br] 4. Magnetically Hard Single Crystals and Rare-Earth Permanent Magnets. . 918[br] 5. Temperature Stability of Magnetic Properties of Rare-Earth[br] Permanent Magnets. 922[br] 6. High-Coercivity Precipitation-Hardened Alloys of REM with 3d Metals . . 925[br] 7. High-Anisotropy, Magnetically Multiaxial, Compounds, Based on[br] REM, for Permanent Magnets 927[br] 8. Compounds of REM with 3d Metals with Ultrahigh Magnetic Energy at[br] Low Temperatures 928[br] 9. Conclusion 929[br] References 930[br]

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Fulltext is also available at DOI: 10.1070/PU1976v019n11ABEH005352
PACS: 76.30.-m, 76.50.Dd, 76.50.Hn, 85.70.Nk
DOI: 10.1070/PU1976v019n11ABEH005352
Citation: Deryagin A V "Rare-earth magnetically hard materials" Sov. Phys. Usp. 19 909–933 (1976)
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Оригинал: Дерягин А В «Редкоземельные магнитожесткие материалы» УФН 120 393–437 (1976); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0120.197611c.0393

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