





Reviews of topical problems

Physics and biology

This review examines the relationship between physics and biology. The views of Bohr, Wigner, Elsasser, and Schr\"odinger are discussed, and the inadequacy is discussed of ``physical vitalism'', which holds that the currently-existing physics (thermodynamics and quantum mechanics) contradicts biology. Non-equilibrium thermodynamics is treated, both linear and non-linear. The necessity is emphasized of working with the value of information in studying biological processes. Eigen's theory of selection and evolution of biological macromolecules is analyzed, and it is shown that the parameter of selective value does not correspond to the value of information. The physical meaning of the genetic code is discussed, as well as physical approaches to certain problems of molecular biology, in particular, enzymatic catalysis. Physics, considered as the overall science of the structure and properties of matter and fields, suffices for understanding biological phenomena, and its current conceptions do not face any limits of applicability in biology.

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PACS: 87.15.By, 36.20.Ey, 87.14.Ee, 02.10.Ud (all)
DOI: 10.1070/PU1973v016n02ABEH005165
Citation: Vol’kenshtein M V "Physics and biology" Sov. Phys. Usp. 16 207–216 (1973)
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Оригинал: Волькенштейн М В «Биология и физика» УФН 109 499–515 (1973); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0109.197303c.0499

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