





Reviews of topical problems

Stability of relativistic electron beams in a Plasma and the problem of critical currents

1. Introduction 163
2. Formulation of problem and initial equations 164
3. Limiting currents in uncompensated electron beams 165
4. Critical currents in compensated unbounded electron beams 168
5. Influence of finite longitudinal dimensions of the system on the critical currents in electron beams 170
6. Interaction of unbounded relativistic electron beams with a plasma 172
7. Stability of bounded electron beams in a plasma 174
8. Critical currents of relativistic electron beams in a plasma 175
9. Comparison of theory with experiment 176
Cited literature 178

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PACS: 52.59.−f, 52.35.−g (all)
DOI: 10.1070/PU1971v014n02ABEH004456
Citation: Bogdankevich L S, Rukhadze A A "Stability of relativistic electron beams in a Plasma and the problem of critical currents" Sov. Phys. Usp. 14 163–179 (1971)
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Оригинал: Богданкевич Л С, Рухадзе А А «Устойчивость релятивистских электронных пучков в плазме и проблема критических токов» УФН 103 609–640 (1971); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0103.197104c.0609

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