





Reviews of topical problems

Mechanical properties of metallic films

Introduction 564
1. Mechanical Testing Methods 565
1.1. Abrasion Method 565
1.2. Microhardness Method 565
1.3. High-speed Rotor Method 565
1.4. Curvature Method ("Bulging") 565
1.5. Tension Method 566
2. Strength of Condensed Films 567
2.1. Effect of Thickness 567
2.2. Effect of Substrate Temperature and Rate of Condensation 568
2.3. Effect of Degree of Vacuum and Method of Evaporation 569
2.4. Alloy Films 570
2.5. Internal Macrostresses in Films 570
2.6. Fatigue Resistance of Condensed Films 571
3. Deformation and Failure of Films 571
3.1. Tensile Stress-strain Diagrams 571
3.2. Features of Deformation and Failure of Films 572
3.3. Creep and Endurance of Films 573
3.4. Effect of Rolling of Vacuum Condensates 574
4. Structure (Substructure) of High-strength Condensed Films 574
5. Multilayer Vacuum Condensates 577
6. Conclusion 579
7. Bibliography 579

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PACS: 68.60.Bs, 68.55.Jk, 62.20.−x (all)
DOI: 10.1070/PU1969v011n04ABEH003768
Citation: Palatnik L S, Il’inskii A I "Mechanical properties of metallic films" Sov. Phys. Usp. 11 564–581 (1969)
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Оригинал: Палатник Л С, Ильинский А И «Механические свойства металлических пленок» УФН 95 613–645 (1968); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0095.196808b.0613

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