





Reviews of topical problems

Fifty years of Soviet physics

CONTENTS[br] I. Physics in Russia Before the Revolution and Start of Organization of Soviet Physics 678[br] II. Review of Work of Soviet Physicists 686[br] General Problems of Theoretical Physics 686[br] Elementary Particle Physics 688[br] Physics of the Atomic Nucleus 693[br] Plasma Physics 697[br] Optics. Physics of Atoms and Molecules 697[br] Quantum Electronics 705[br] Radiophysics and Theory of Oscillations 706[br] Low Temperatures 709[br] Physics of Dielectrics 712[br] Physics of Semiconductors 713[br] Mechanical Properties of Solids 715[br] Magnetism 716[br] Acoustics 718[br] III. Organizational Problems. Scientific literature 718[br]

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DOI: 10.1070/PU1968v010n05ABEH005852
Citation: Shpol’skii E V "Fifty years of Soviet physics" Sov. Phys. Usp. 10 678–720 (1968)
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Оригинал: Шпольский Э В «Пятьдесят лет советской физики» УФН 93 197–276 (1967); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0093.196710a.0197

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