Current methods for the study of the Stark effect in atomsa S I Vavilov State Optical Institute, Birzhevaya liniya 12, St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation CONTENTS[br] I. Introduction 637[br] II. Theory of the Stark Effect 638[br] 1. The Stark Effect in a Constant Electric Field 638[br] 2. The Stark Effect in Alternating Electric Fields 640[br] III. The Study of the Stark Effect in a Constant Electric Field 643[br] 1. Observation of the Shifts of Centers of Gravity of Absorption Lines in Atomic Beams 643[br] 2. Study of the Stark Effect by Observation of Electric Double Refraction 644[br] 3. Study of the Stark Effect by the Method of Comparison with Hyperfine Splitting 646[br] 4. Observation of the Stark Effect by Radiospectroscopic Methods 646[br] 5. Study of the Stark Effect by the Method of Double Radiooptical Resonance 647[br] 6. Observation of the Stark Effect by Level-crossing and Beat Methods 649[br] IV. The Study of the Stark Effect in Fields of Optical Frequency 651[br] 1. Observation of Shifts and Splittings of Levels of the Ground State of Hg199 by Resonance Light 651[br] 2. Observation of Shifts and Splittings of Levels of Potassium Atoms in the Radiation Field of a Ruby Laser 653[br] V. Conclusion 654[br] Literature Cited 656[br]