





Reviews of topical problems

Interaction of cosmic muons of high energy

Space Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Profsoyuznaya str. 84/32, Moscow, 117997, Russian Federation

Introduction 49
I. Fast-muon Interaction Cross Sections 51
1. Bremsstrahlung 51
2. Direct Pair Production 52
3. Electromagnetic-nuclear Reactions Induced by Muons 53
II. Passage of Muons Through Matter 54
1. Average Muon Losses 54
2. Average Muon Range 55
3. Absorption Curve 56
4. Muon Range Fluctuations 56
III. Fundamental Characteristics of High Energy Cosmic Muons 57
1. Energy Spectrum of Vertical Muons at Sea Level 57
2. Energy Spectrum of Fast Muons Moving at Large Zenith Angles 59
3. Muon Absorption Curve in Ground 59
4. Angular Distribution of Muons at Large Depths 59
5. Positive Excess 60
IV. Fundamental Physical Results 60
1. Upper Limit of Anomalous Muon Interaction 60
2. Production of K Mesons at Very High Energies 61
3. Fraction of Energy Carried Away by the Fastest Pions 62
4. Role of Isobars in Multiple Processes 62
5. Cross Section of Photonuclear Processes at High Energies 63
V. Cosmic Muons and Neutrinos 63
VI. Certain Unexplained Phenomena Connected with Muons 63
VII. Concluding Remarks 63
Cited Literature 64

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PACS:, 95.30.Cq, 96.60.Vg, 14.40.Aq (all)
DOI: 10.1070/PU1968v011n01ABEH003724
Citation: Rozental’ I L "Interaction of cosmic muons of high energy" Sov. Phys. Usp. 11 49–65 (1968)
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Оригинал: Розенталь И Л «Взаимодействие космических мюонов больших энергий» УФН 94 91–125 (1968); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0094.196801d.0091

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