





Reviews of topical problems

Gas filled Cherenkov counters

I. Differential Gas Cerenkov Counters (DGC) 796
A. Width of DGC Efficiency Maximum 797
B. Background in DGC 798
C. Determination of the Mass and Momentum of Beam Particles with the Aid of a DGC 802
II. Threshold Gas Cerenkov counters (TGC) 802
A. Apparatus Factors which Influence the Efficiency of Threshold Counters 803
B. Influence of the Beam Particle Velocity Distribution on the Form of the TGC Efficiency Curve 804
C. Efficiency of TGC Below the Radiation Threshold 804
D. Velocity Resolution of TGC 806
III. Optics of Gas-filled Cerenkov Counters 807
IV. Gases Used in Cerenkov Counters 809
A. Over-all Requirements and Attainment of Prescribed Refractive Index Intervals 809
B. Determination of the Refractive Index of a Gas 810
C. Dispersion of Gases 811
V. Construction of Gas-filled Cerenkov Counters 811
A. Threshold Gas Counters 811
B. Differential Gas Counters 816
Appendix 822
Cited Bibliography 823

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Fulltext is also available at DOI: 10.1070/PU1964v006n06ABEH003612
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DOI: 10.1070/PU1964v006n06ABEH003612
Citation: Vovenko A S, Kulakov B A, Likhachev M F, Matulenko Yu A, Savin I A, Stavinskii V S "Gas filled Cherenkov counters" Sov. Phys. Usp. 6 794–824 (1964)
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Оригинал: Вовенко А С, Кулаков Б А, Лихачев М Ф, Матуленко Ю А, Савин И А, Ставинский В С «Газовые черенковские счетчики» УФН 81 453–506 (1963); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0081.196311b.0453

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