





Reviews of topical problems

Investigation of the ionosphere and of the interplanetary gas with the aid of artificial satellites and space rockets

I. Introduction 479
1. Summary of Results of Experiments with High-Altitude Rockets 480
2. Certain Problems in Present-Day Research 482
3. Features of Various Types of Experiments with the Aid of Satellites and Rockets 484
II. Doppler Effect at Radio Frequencies 485
4. Elimination of the "Optical" Component of the Doppler Frequency Shift 487
5. Difference in the Doppler Frequency Shifts of the Ordinary and Extraordinary Waves — the "Rotational" Doppler Effect 488
6. Certain Experimental Results 489
III. Amplitude of the Radio Signals from a Satellite or a Rocket 490
7. Investigation of the Inhomogeneous Structure of the Ionosphere 491
8. Antipode Effect and Other Phenomena of Long-Distance Propagation of Satellite Radio Signals around the Earth 492
9. "Radio Rise" and "Radio Setting" of a Satellite 493
IV. Plasma Perturbations Produced by the Satellite 495
10. Disturbance to the Concentration of Particles in the Electric Field around a Satellite or a Rocket 496
11. Experimental Data on the Scattering of Radio Waves by Satellite Trails; Other Radio Effects 497
12. Analysis of the Experimental Data on the Scattering of Radio Waves 499
13. Feasibility of Measurements by Means of Various Probes 500
V. Conclusion 501

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DOI: 10.1070/PU1961v003n04ABEH003291
Citation: Al’pert Ya L "Investigation of the ionosphere and of the interplanetary gas with the aid of artificial satellites and space rockets" Sov. Phys. Usp. 3 479–503 (1961)
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Оригинал: Альперт Я Л «Изучение ионосферы и межпланетного газа с помощью искусственных спутников и космических ракет» УФН 71 369–409 (1960); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0071.196007a.0369

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