





Reviews of topical problems

Cascade theory of showers

I. Basic Equations of the Theory 912
1. Basic Equations of the Theory 912
2. The Probabilities of the Basic Processes 914
II. Solution of the Basic Equations of the Theory. The method of functional transformations 916
3. Solution by the Double Functional Transformation Method 916
4. S. Z. Belen'kiĭ's method 918
5. The Scott, Snyder, Bhabha, and Chakrabarty Method 922
6. The Gupta and Chakrabarty Method 929
7. The Solution of Generalized Equations of the Theory 931
8. Other Methods of Solution 933
9. The Cascade Theory for Heavy Substances 934
III. Solution of the Basic Equations of the Theory. The Method of Moments 936
10. Calculating the Moments of the Distribution Functions of Cascade Particles 936
11. The Electron and Photon Equilibrium Spectrum 938
12. Regular Method of Plotting Cascade Curves by Moments 941
13. Cascade Curves and Energy Spectra in Light Substances 943
14. Cascade Curves and Energy Spectra in Heavy Substances 951

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DOI: 10.1070/PU1960v002n06ABEH003188
Citation: Belen’kii S Z, Ivanenko I P "Cascade theory of showers" Sov. Phys. Usp. 2 912–957 (1960)
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Оригинал: Беленький С З, Иваненко И П «Каскадная теория ливней» УФН 69 591–656 (1959); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0069.195912c.0591

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