PACS numbers

21.30.Fe Forces in hadronic systems and effective interactions
  1. L.E. Gendenshtein, I.V. Krive “Supersymmetry in quantum mechanicsSov. Phys. Usp. 28 645–666 (1985)
    03.65.Fd, 04.60.−m, 02.20.Sv, 03.65.Ge, 21.30.Fe, 11.30.Qc (all)
  2. V.M. Kolybasov “HADRONIC ATOMSSov. Phys. Usp. 15 497–499 (1973)
    36.10.Gv, 21.30.Fe, 21.10.Ky, 25.80.Nv, 24.10.Ht (all)
  3. B.A. Khrylin “Hypernuclei and ΛN interactionSov. Phys. Usp. 14 616–629 (1972)
    13.75.Ev, 14.20.Jn, 21.30.Fe, 21.80.+a, 21.60.Cs, 27.20.+n (all)
  4. E.L. Feinberg “On multiple production in collisions of ultra-high energy particlesSov. Phys. Usp. 3 147–158 (1960)
    25.40.−h, 21.30.Fe, 24.10.Pa, 11.10.−z (all)
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