
Mesoscopic superconductivity

  1. A.Yu. Kasumov, R. Deblock и др. «Superconductivity in molecular wires» УФН 171 69–71 (2001)
  2. C. Chapelier, M. Vinet, F. Lefloch «Scanning tunneling spectroscopy on superconducting proximity nanostructures» УФН 171 71–74 (2001)
  3. G.B. Lesovik «Quantum entangled states and reduction of the wave packet» УФН 171 74–76 (2001)
  4. M.A. Skvortsov, A.I. Larkin, M.V. Feigel’man «Proximity Action theory of superconductive nanostructures» УФН 171 76–80 (2001)
  5. V.V. Ryazanov, V.A. Oboznov и др. «Coupling of two superconductors through a ferromagnet. SFS $\pi$-junctions and intrinsically-frustrated superconducting networks» УФН 171 81–86 (2001)
  6. F. Zhou «Some signatures of quantum chaos on dirty superconductors» УФН 171 87–90 (2001)
  7. T.I. Baturina, Z.D. Kvon и др. «Diffusive single and multiply connected SNS systems with high-transparent interfaces» УФН 171 91–94 (2001)
  8. A.A. Varlamov, D.V. Livanov, G. Savona «Nonlocal fluctuation effects in clean superconductor» УФН 171 94–98 (2001)
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