
Localization and quantum chaos

  1. M.V. Budantsev, Z.D. Kvon и др. «Order, disorder and chaos in 2D lattice of coupled Sinai billiards» УФН 171 20–24 (2001)
  2. T.M. Fromhold, A.A. Krokhin и др. «Chaotic quantum transport in superlattices» УФН 171 24–27 (2001)
  3. F. Evers, A.D. Mirlin и др. «Quasiclassical memory effects: anomalous transport properties of two-dimensional electrons and composite fermions subject to a long-range disorder» УФН 171 27–31 (2001)
  4. I.M. Suslov «Density of states near the Anderson transition in the $(4-\varepsilon)$-dimensional space» УФН 171 31–35 (2001)
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