





Quantum Hall effect

Magnetooptics of composite fermions

 а, б,  б,  б,  б
а Институт физики твердого тела имени Ю.А. Осипьяна РАН, ул. Академика Осипьяна 2, Черноголовка, Московская обл., 142432, Российская Федерация
б Max-Planck Institut für Festkörperforschung, Stuttgart, Germany

The Fermi energy and the Zeeman splitting of composite fermions are measured from the temperature dependence of the electron spin polarization at $\nu=1/2$. We demonstrate that the Zeeman splitting of composite fermions is enhanced by a factor of $2.5$ due to the interaction between CFs. The latter is very sensitive on the finite width of the $\mathrm{2D}$ channel. The spin polarization at $\nu=1/3$ and $\nu=2/3$ displays an activated behavior and the derived spin-wave gaps are compared with simultaneously measured transport values.

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English fulltext is available at DOI: 10.1070/1063-7869/44/10S/S06
PACS: 73.43.−f, 73.43.Cd, 71.70.−d (все)
DOI: 10.1070/1063-7869/44/10S/S06
URL: https://ufn.ru/ru/articles/2001/13/f/
Цитата: Kukushkin I V, Smet J H, Klitzing Klaus von, Eberl K "Magnetooptics of composite fermions" УФН 171 36–39 (2001)
BibTexBibNote ® (generic)BibNote ® (RIS) MedlineRefWorks
Русский English
PT Journal Article
TI Magnetooptics of composite fermions
AU Kukushkin I V
FAU Kukushkin IV
AU Smet J H
AU Klitzing Klaus von
FAU Klitzing Klaus von
AU Eberl K
FAU Eberl K
DP 10 Sup, 2001
TA Usp. Fiz. Nauk
VI 171
IP 13
PG 36-39
RX 10.1070/1063-7869/44/10S/S06
URL https://ufn.ru/ru/articles/2001/13/f/
SO Usp. Fiz. Nauk 2001 Sup 10;171(13):36-39

English citation: Kukushkin I V, Smet J H, Klitzing Klaus von, Eberl K “Magnetooptics of composite fermionsPhys. Usp. 44 36–39 (2001); DOI: 10.1070/1063-7869/44/10S/S06

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