





Localization and quantum chaos

Quasiclassical memory effects: anomalous transport properties of two-dimensional electrons and composite fermions subject to a long-range disorder

 а,  а, б, в,  б, г,  а, б
а Institute for Theoretical Condensed Matter physics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Wolfgang-Gaede-Str., 1 Karlsruhe, D-76131, Germany , Karlsruhe, Германия
б Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Institute of Nanotechnology, Karlsruhe, Germany
в Петербургский институт ядерной физики им. Б.П. Константинова РАН, Гатчина, Ленинградская обл., Российская Федерация
г Физико-технический институт им. А.Ф. Иоффе РАН, Политехническая ул. 26, Санкт-Петербург, 194021, Российская Федерация

We have studied the ac response and magnetoresistance of a two-dimensional electron gas in high-mobility samples in the presence of smooth disorder, with emphasis on the composite-fermion description of a half-filled Landau level. We have found that the low-$\omega$ behavior of the ac conductivity $\sigma(\omega)$ is governed by memory effects associated with return processes that are neglected in Boltzmann transport theory: the return-induced correction to $\mathrm{Re} \sigma$ exhibits a kink $\propto|\omega|$. It is shown that the non-Markovian quasiclassical kinetics leads to a strong magnetoresistance $\Delta\rho_{xx}$. We argue that the quasiclassical memory effects account for the positive $\Delta\rho_{xx}$ observed at small deviations from half-filling. At a larger deviation, the positive magnetoresistance is followed by a sharp falloff of $\rho_{xx}$.

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English fulltext is available at DOI: 10.1070/1063-7869/44/10S/S04
PACS: 72.15.−v, 72.15.Rn, 05.60.Gg, 05.45.Mt (все)
DOI: 10.1070/1063-7869/44/10S/S04
URL: https://ufn.ru/ru/articles/2001/13/d/
Цитата: Evers F, Mirlin A D, Polyakov D G, Wölfle P "Quasiclassical memory effects: anomalous transport properties of two-dimensional electrons and composite fermions subject to a long-range disorder" УФН 171 27–31 (2001)
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English citation: Evers F, Mirlin A D, Polyakov D G, Wölfle P “Quasiclassical memory effects: anomalous transport properties of two-dimensional electrons and composite fermions subject to a long-range disorderPhys. Usp. 44 27–31 (2001); DOI: 10.1070/1063-7869/44/10S/S04

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