PACS numbers

96.30.Za Meteors, meteorites and tektites
  1. V.V. Emel’yanenko, B.M. Shustov “The Chelyabinsk event and the asteroid-comet hazardPhys. Usp. 56 833–836 (2013)
    89.60.Gg, 96.30.Ys, 96.30.Za (all)
  2. A.B. Aleksandrov, A.V. Bagulya et alCharge spectrum of galactic cosmic ray nuclei as measured in meteorite olivinesPhys. Usp. 53 805–808 (2010)
    21.10.Ft, 26.40.+r, 95.55.Vj, 96.30.Za, (all)
  3. G.A. Chebotarev “Dynamics of Minor Bodies of the Solar SystemSov. Phys. Usp. 17 799–800 (1975)
    96.25.De, 96.30.Cw, 96.30.Ys, 96.30.Za (all)
  4. Kh. Gul’medov, A.P. Savrukhin “Research in Astrophysics and the Physics of the Upper Atmosphere in the Turkmenian SSRSov. Phys. Usp. 14 800–800 (1972)
    92.60.hw, 92.60.Vb, 96.30.Za (all)
  5. V.I. Man’ko “Experimental searches for fractionally charged quarks in matterSov. Phys. Usp. 10 262–264 (1967)
    96.30.Za, 12.39.−x, 95.30.Wi (all)
  6. B.Yu. Levin “The origin of meteoritesSov. Phys. Usp. 8 360–378 (1965)
    96.30.Za, 96.30.Ys, 96.30.Vb (all)
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