PACS numbers

96.12.Hg Magnetic field and magnetism
  1. V.V. Malakhov, V.V. Alekseev et alMagnetic field in the inner near-Earth spacePhys. Usp. 66 967–986 (2023)
    91.25.−r, 94.30.−d, 96.12.Hg (all)
  2. D.D. Sokoloff “Problems of magnetic dynamoPhys. Usp. 58 601–605 (2015)
    07.55.Db, 41.20.−q, 91.25.−r, 96.12.Hg, 96.60.Hv (all)
  3. D.D. Sokoloff, R.A. Stepanov, P.G. Frick “Dynamos: from an astrophysical model to laboratory experimentsPhys. Usp. 57 292–311 (2014)
    07.55.Db, 41.20.−q, 91.25.−r, 96.12.Hg, 96.60.Hv (all)
  4. V.V. Zaitsev, E.Ya. Zlotnik, V.E. Shaposhnikov “Cyclotron mechanism of decameter radio emission of JupiterSov. Phys. Usp. 30 1011–1011 (1987)
    96.30.Kf, 96.12.Hg, 96.12.Pc, 96.12.Kz, 96.25.Tg (all)
  5. Ya.B. Zeldovich, A.A. Ruzmaikin “The hydromagnetic dynamo as the source of planetary, solar, and galactic magnetismSov. Phys. Usp. 30 494–506 (1987)
    91.25.Mf, 96.12.Hg, 96.15.Gh, 96.60.Hv, 98.35.Eg (all)
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