PACS numbers

92.60.Fm Boundary layer structure and processes
  1. O.G. Onishchenko, O.A. Pokhotelov et alStructure and dynamics of concentrated mesoscale vortices in planetary atmospheresPhys. Usp. 63 683–697 (2020)
    92.10.ak, 92.60.Fm, (all)
  2. A.N. Vulfson, O.O. Borodin “The system of convective thermals as a generalized ensemble of Brownian particlesPhys. Usp. 59 109–120 (2016)
    05.10.Gg, 05.40.Jc, 44.25.+f, 92.60.Fm, (all)
  3. F.V. Dolzhanskii, M.V. Kurganskii “Asymptotic models of atmospheric flowsSov. Phys. Usp. 34 (7) 644–644 (1991)
    92.60.hh, 92.60.Fm, 92.40.Zg, 92.60.Bh, 92.60.Aa (all)
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