PACS numbers

74.62.Fj Effects of pressure
  1. A.N. Utyuzh, A.V. Mikheyenkov “Hydrogen and its compounds under extreme pressurePhys. Usp. 60 886–901 (2017)
    07.35.+k, 61.50.Ks, 62.50.−p, 64.70.K−, 67.63.−r, 67.80.F−, 67.80.ff, 74.62.Fj, 81.40.Vw (all)
  2. M.I. Eremets, A.P. Drozdov “High-temperature conventional superconductivityPhys. Usp. 59 1154–1160 (2016)
    74.20.Fg, 74.62.Fj, 74.70.−b (all)
  3. V.M. Svistunov, M.A. Belogolovskii, O.I. Chernyak “Tunnel investigations of metals at high pressuresSov. Phys. Usp. 30 1–22 (1987)
    62.50.+p, 74.45.+c, 74.25.Kc, 74.62.Fj, 74.50.+r, 74.25.Dw (all)
  4. I.T. Belash, V.F. Degtyareva, E.G. Ponyatovskii “New phases of the Hume-Rothery type—superconductors obtained under high pressuresSov. Phys. Usp. 29 1065–1066 (1986)
    74.62.Fj, 74.10.+v, 74.25.Dw (all)
  5. V.E. Antonov, I.T. Belash, E.G. Ponyatovskii “Hydrides: investigations under high hydrogen pressuresSov. Phys. Usp. 29 1068–1069 (1986)
    62.50.+p, 75.30.Cr, 75.30.Kz, 74.62.Fj (all)
  6. N.B. Brandt, N.I. Ginzburg “Superconductivity at high pressuresSov. Phys. Usp. 12 344–358 (1969)
    74.62.Fj, 74.10.+v (all)
  7. N.B. Brandt, N.I. Ginzburg “Effect of high pressure on the superconducting properties of metalsSov. Phys. Usp. 8 202–223 (1965)
    74.62.Fj, 74.25.Op, 62.50.+p (all)
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