PACS numbers

73.50.Jt Galvanomagnetic and other magnetotransport effects (including thermomagnetic effects)
  1. Yu.M. Kuznetsov, M.V. Dorokhin et alGalvanomagnetic and thermomagnetic phenomena in thin metal CoPt filmsPhys. Usp. 66 312–319 (2023)
    73.50.Jt, 85.75.−d, 85.80.Lp (all)
  2. I.V. Kukushkin, V.B. Timofeev “Density of states of two-dimensional electrons in a quantizing transverse magnetic fieldSov. Phys. Usp. 30 746–747 (1987)
    71.70.Di, 73.40.Qv, 73.50.Jt, 71.15.Ap, 71.35.Lk (all)
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